Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart is a graphical representation that helps in simplifying the scheduling and tracking process.  This would be extremely useful in handling complex projects. 

In 2dview, the Gantt Chart is centralized, which leads Producers, Supervisors and other Heads to collaborate and plan effectively.  Through the visual view of Gantt Chart, key persons can overview the entire production at a glimpse and manage the projects efficiently.

In 2d view, the Gantt chart has been designed to have an overview in two different perspectives. 

  • Task axis – Chart based on Task 
  • People axis – Chart based on Artist  

As seen in the screen shot, we have the Task axis and People axis which we can very easily toggle to and from.

Task Axis:

For viewing more details about a specific task in the Task axis, you can either click on any of the details of the task and it will redirect you to that task page wherein you can find more detail related to the specific task or you can simply hover the cursor to the required task progress and a help text box will display all the relevant  information.

Help text display in different colors, which help to distinguish the status of each task.    

  • To change any start or end date just drag the bar to the required date along the x-axis.
  • You can customize your view by maximizing or minimizing the shot or even dragging the button here.
  • You also have an option to view the progress based on the time period and choose from the filters available.


Filters are available to narrow down your search results.  Through filter, you can visualize the desired results based on ShowShot, Work Status, Department, Task type and People.

People axis: 

  • People axis displays tasks allocated to an artist and also the availability or leaves of the artists.
  • The artists are grouped based on the department.  
  • The view here can be customized as required and also based on the time period. 
  • Each department has a different color including the leaves and 0% progress have different colors. 
  • Much like the task axis you can place the cursor on the required bar to view the details of the task. 
  • In the People axis, you can reassign the shot by simply dragging the bar along the y-axis to the required artist.  
  • This makes the assigning and scheduling process a lot more convenient.  
  • Even though over 10000 entries are clubbed in a single page, it does not keep refreshing which helps in saving quite a bit of time.

Sort Availability option is provided to view the artist without any task for the current date comes on top for easy allocation.

Show Leave displays the list of artists with the details of leaves availed.