Task Type

Task type allows to categorize the tasks. Based on the task categorization, projects will be handled and shots will be allocated to the artists.
Task type describes the scope of the work to be carried out.

***Only the admin can create Task Type.

If you are an admin

  • Click on the universal listing button on the top right corner.
  • Select Task Type from the Side drawer.
  • It would redirect you to the Task Type listing page.
  • Clicking on the add button will let you to create a new Task Type.
  • A Side drawer opens from the right, wherein the required data to be filled.
  • Select the department from the Department Name dropdown on which the task should be integrated.
  • Enter the Task Type Name*, Task Code* and Select Color Code* of your desired choice.
  • Click on Add to create a Task Type.

Note: After creating a Task Type, the admin must activate the Task Type in the listing panel. Till then, the Task Type remains inactive.