Role Creation


In 2dview, the permissions can be managed through roles. We have certain set of roles in-built in 2dview, which would be compatible for most of the studios’ structures. The admin can duplicate a role and reduce the hierarchy by giving minimalistic permission.

***Only the admin can create roles.

If you are an admin

  • Click on the universal listing button on the top right corner.
  • Select Role from the Side drawer.
  • It would redirect you to the Role listing page.
  • Click on the Clone button available under Quick Actions to clone a role.
  • Click on the edit button available under Quick Actions. The Side drawer from the right displays few validations, wherein the required data to be filled.
  • Enter the Role Name* and Role Description of your desired choice.

Note: The created role is a sub role of the original role, so permissions can’t be moved up in the hierarchy, i.e., the Duplicated group won’t go beyond the original group in terms of permission.

  • Under Access Permission, the dropdown provides the full set of permission where the admin can edit the permission for the role. We can give the user, either full access or read-only permission.
    • Under Reports, the dropdown provides the list of reports, where the admin can edit the permission for the reports.
    • Click on Update to create a new role.

Note: After creating a Role, the admin must activate the Role in the listing panel. Till then, the Role will be inactive.