Custom Field

Custom Field is an additional feature which provides flexibility in workflow. This helps to track tasks according to your requirements.

*** Only admin can create Custom Fields.

If you are an admin

  • Click on the universal listing button on the top right corner.
  • Select Custom Field from the Side drawer.
  • It would redirect you to the Custom Field listing page.
  • Click on the add button available on the top right corner of the datatable to create a new Custom Field.
  • The Side drawer opens from the right wherein the required data to be filled.
  • Enter the Custom Field Name* and Select Format* from the dropdown, which would list the types of format available
  • Choose whether the field should be Global Field or Mandatory Field.
  • Select the Show Name from the dropdown list if the custom field is show based.
  • Select whether the custom field is for Show, Shot/Asset and Task.
  • custom column created with type task will be only visible while ingesting a task.
  • Enter the Description of your desired choice.
  • Click on Add to create a Custom Field.

Note: After creating a Custom Field, the admin must activate the Custom Field in the listing panel. Till then, the Custom Field remains inactive.