Department Creation


Every Department comprises people with the same skillset. Based on the skills, multiple departments are formed to perform various functions of the organisations. In 2dview, creating a Department is essential to allocate tasks, generate availability reports, analyze performance and so on, department wise. Group is formed based on the Department selected. Organized Departments ensure the smooth workflow operations.

*** Only the admin can create Department.

If you are an admin

  • Click on the universal listing button on the top right corner
  • Select Department from the side drawer.
  • It would redirect you to the Department listing page.
  • To create a new Department, navigate the cursor to the Add button on the right side of the datatable.
  • The Side drawer from the right would ask for the following details.
  • Department Name* and Description.
  • After specifying the desired details, Click on Add to create a Department.

Note: After creating a Department, the admin must activate the Department in the listing panel. Till then, the Department remains inactive.